Wcer 2007
The Federazione Pagana were member of WCER for 2002 to 2010. The Federazione Pagana exited to WCER when WCER wanted to become racism organisation called ECER.
Every Symbol is a manifestation of the aims of the person who use it. He who use a symbol wants to tell the world what he is and what he wants to do. This is the meaning of the symbol we adopted.
The five-pointed star represents the Human Being: a star, because everyone of us is unique! Everyone of us walks along his/her own path of knowledge. A path starting when our physical body was born and ending with physical body's death.
The circle in which the star is circumscribed, represents the universe. What universe? The universe which surrounds us and in which we construct our life. We manifest ourselves through Furious Conflict and Friendship as Heraclitus said or through Harmony, Persuasion and Aphrodite, like the ancient Orphics said. Whatever choice the individual makes, s/he always runs along the space from physical body's birth to physical body's death.
By the meaning we give to three points of the star's we express the instruments used by Human Beings along his/her path: reason, seeing, feeling.
Reason is expression of the Olympic gods. It's the instrument with which Hera's sons and daughters describe the world's form and quantity. Seeing is human ability of catching the shape of objects in their reality and feeling is Human Beings' ability of perceiving the world's emotion and of harmonizing with them. Seeing goes beyond the objects' apparent form and feeling goes beyond the idea which reason created about objects.
Lower points represent the world in which we exert challenges and conditions of our existence. One point is everyday world in which we live, with its form and scientific description; the other point represent all infinite aspects the world shows when we stop using senses with reason's point of view and get into the objects, their feelings, their emotions. One point is the Olympic gods' world, the super-ego, the other the immense Tartarus in which Titans live, the Psychistic-ego.
Finally, the central pentagon represents the divine quality of Human Being: his/her self-construction as a GOD, the construction of his/her Daimon, of his Genius or her Juno, whatever mane we want to give it. It's the centre of the individual's will. The will, the sickle Gaea forged for her sons, is used by Human Beings to forge themselves. The religious sense of its existence is to turn the physical body's death into the luminous body birth.
This is the meaning of the five-pointed star or pentagram adopted by the Federazione Pagana as a symbol and only with this meaning this sign must be read, interpreted and comprehended.
Religious pagan texts by Claudio Simeoni
When the people walked on witchcraft path know the start but don't know where it will take.
For this motivation the people mast to be perfect in each action and in each choose.
The racism and discrimination are principles by christian religion. For the Pagan Religion this principles are the absolute bad.
Web site of Claudio Simeoni
Claudio Simeoni
Apprentice Sorcerer
Keeper of the Antichrist
Tel. 3277862784
e-mail: claudiosimeoni@libero.it
Last modified May 2024
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