World Congress of Ethnic Religions
Religious rite done by some participants at the temple of Athena Sounias
Athene 04-06 giugno 2004

by Claudio Simeoni

The Federazione Pagana were member of WCER for 2002 to 2010. The Federazione Pagana exited to WCER when WCER wanted to become racism organisation called ECER.

Chronicle of the WCER Congress in Athens in June 2004
the participation of the Federazione Pagana

On the 6th June 2004, national groups taking part to the Congress went to the remains of the temple of Athena Sounias to participate to a collective religious rite.

Our Greek friends prepared the altar and started the rite.

These are the images I have of the rite; they are just a partial view of it, because the film was used up.

The temple of Athena Sounias has been destroyed and there are only its remains.Nearby, there are the remains of the temple of Poseidon, a destination for many visitors:


Temple of Poseidon


The temple of Poseidon seen from the temple of Athena


Greek people preparing the Altar


Our Greek hosts calling Deities


A Hindu pronouncing his invocation


Another Hindu executing the Salutation to the Sun


Lithuanian doing their religious rite


Latvian doing their religious rite


Flemish doing their religious rite


Italian people doing their religious rite


A French doing his religious rite


We would like to thank our Greek friends of YSEE for the wonderful organization and the friendship they showed to us.


Go to Federazione Pagana's philosophical and religious texts translated in English

Go to the photos of the 7th WCER Congress (Athens) speakers

Discorso tenuto dal rappresentante della Federazione Pagana al 7mo Congresso del WCER (in Italian)

Speech delivered by Federazione Pagana's delegate at WCER 7th Congress (in English)


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This text in Italian



Religious pagan texts by Claudio Simeoni


When the people walked on witchcraft path know the start but don't know where it will take.
For this motivation the people mast to be perfect in each action and in each choose.

The Federazione Pagana

The racism and discrimination are principles by christian religion. For the Pagan Religion this principles are the absolute bad.

Web site of Claudio Simeoni

Claudio Simeoni


Apprentice Sorcerer

Keeper of the Antichrist

Tel. 3277862784





Last modified May 2024

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